The sprinkler pump room sign is a fire and safety signage that indicates where the sprinkler controls are located. Therefore it allows fire officers to know where to locate it incase of an emergency.
Riser rooms are the rooms or dedicated space where the fire sprinkler system’s control room is kept.
Vertical supply pipes link the water supply to the cross and/or feed mains of the fire sprinkler system. The pressure and water are regulated and managed. Pressure gauges, control switches, water flow warnings, and key drains for the sprinkler system are all housed in these system risers.
The aim of riser rooms is to allow fast and easy access to the fire sprinkler system’s controls. Both for maintenance and emergency purposes.
Sprinkler pump room sign is required to be installed on commercial, retail and residential developments in accordance. Because this statutory signage indicates fire safety rules for both retail and residential developments and in accordance with the Building Code of Australia (BCA).